By: Haley Berry [Quill Editor]
Senior year. A year everybody starts thinking about as soon as they open the door freshman year. A bonus about being a senior is getting out of school about a week earlier than every other grade just to finally take the last step of being in school and to graduate. And the night of graduation, after the ceremony, everyone knows about the famous tradition of post grade…only this year…there could be no post grad?
At a recent senior meeting students were told that instead of having the usual POST grad AFTER graduation…it may have to be done after prom. Mixing the post prom party with the post grad party? That just doesn’t seem fair. As freshman, the class of 2011 had to undergo many changes to the high school already, such as the food served at lunch, the salad bar got taken away, the famous mentor meetings, the no backpack rule, and the no sugar rule. Now merely 3 years later the senior class will possibly be losing the post grad. opportunity? How that is fair at all?
Yes, it being after prom could be a lot easier and a little less stressful with maybe more adults/chaperons available to help out. But freshman go to prom! Every grade can go to prom if a junior OR senior asks them! Meaning ANYONE could be at post prom. At least at post grad other students have to be invited as underclassmen by ONLY seniors because it is a SENIOR night. How many of those do seniors have? A night that is supposed to be about celebrating SENOIRS graduation is going to be taken away to be after prom? Like stated, it’s just not fair. Every single grade ahead of the class of 2011 got to do it, doesn’t this senior class get the same respect, just like everyone else?
The class of 2011 has been in school 13 years waiting for this night, they deserve a post grad party after the graduation ceremony just like everyone else in this school has. The graduation class of 2011 was the first class to be presented with all other changes and now they may even be dealing with the lose of a graduation tradition.
No post grad?
September 15, 2010
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Joseph • Dec 26, 2011 at 7:28 pm
I am totally commenting on this (even though it’s a year late 😉 haha).
I will just say, being an alum of good ole MHS, Post Grad was definitely something I enjoyed and looked forward to. I’m personally glad I got out of there when I did because everything began to change (including the whole “taking the soda machines out” and the salad bar and the snack shack (I think that’s what it was called) and some other stuff–like an ice cream bar). I was fortunate enough to experience the things other students before me knew about and loved, but then they were taken away–how disappointing!
Anyways, no matter what happens and what changes take place, just remember this: Life doesn’t revolve around high school.
By the way, just wanted to say–I totally got around the whole no soda machines–can you say teacher’s lounge? 😉
Tori :) • Jan 31, 2011 at 10:49 pm
job well done hales!
Ariel • Oct 1, 2010 at 2:21 pm
I agree but disagree with this due to the fact that the 2010 class was the class everything got taken away from. yes you guys deserve a post grad but post prom is also important. I am glad that I have graduated and dont have to face the changes that Marion High School is under going but also look at the positive aspects of everything your class got compaied to everything our class didnt get and + at least you guys got a peraid your senior homecomming
Haley • Sep 24, 2010 at 12:16 pm
Lindsie: I agree with you completely about how this is OUR last time to be together. But shortly after this story was placed a school board meeting was held and our post grad was an issue that was talked about. It has been officially decided that we DO get a post grad AFTER graduation and the we, the seniors, are the ONLY grade allowed! (:
p.s. thanks for reading! (;
Lindsie • Sep 24, 2010 at 10:25 am
Post grad is a day that all seniors have been looking forward to since freshman year. It’s suppose to be a day for all the seniors to get together for the last time and celebrate the end of our high school careers. Since we were freshmen, we’ve known that we would have to wait until we were seniors to go to post grad, and now anyone can go? I don’t think it’s fair to us seniors that anyone from any grade can go to an event that’s suppose to be for us.
Casey • Sep 16, 2010 at 11:56 am
I totally agree. It’s simply not fair if anyone is able to go to Post Grad. This is for the seniors to have fun and invite people they want to be there. Not just for anyone that goes to prom. I think it’s ridiculous and it’s showing hardly any respect to us seniors. That’s only part of my opinion!