By: Morgan Kolarik, Staff Writer
She dribbled up the field, weaved between defenders, looking to score. There wasn’t much time left and they had to keep the lead. She passed to an open teammate, and they scored!
Freshman, Lexie Rael, has a lot on her plate this spring season. Not including soccer Lexie is involved in Student Senate, Take Charge, band, and Creative Ink. During the fall and winter Lexie also participates in Cross Country, and Basketball.
Lexie has been around soccer most of her life and is planning on continuing in her high school years. She has played in many leagues outside of the school, including C.G.A.A., AYSO, and indoor.
The outdoor soccer season, for girls, starts on Monday, March 22nd, and Lexie is enthused. “ I am really excited, I think we have a lot of good players and we are going to go very far,” she said smiling. Although Lexie is excited, she will be missing the first week of practice. “I am pretty bummed because I will be a week behind everyone else, but I’ll try really hard to catch up,”
Lexie runs to get open, she looks for the ball, and with 5 seconds left she scores!