By: Baylea Bruce @baylea_marie [Yearbook Editor]
For many the future can be a scary and daunting place. It never seems to be that big of a deal until senior year rolls around and all the sudden the future isn’t that far away. Just about everyone begins to ask “Where are you going to college?” or “What job are you thinking of pursuing?”. Luckily the teachers and counselors at the high school are hoping to prepare students so they can answers these questions freely. One of the things they do is the Future Planning night held at the high school.
Brandon Miller, junior, was one of the many 11th grade students who had to attend this night. While there may be mixed reviews on it, Miller believes it was a beneficial experience. “It was helpful for the most part. A lot of the careers that I’m interested in weren’t there but the ones who were gave a lot of good information,” said Miller. There were many vendors there so any student should of at least found one booth that intrigued some interest.
While Miller got a lot of good information from the booths, there is still some room for improvements. “I’m more of a visual person. The booths could have some visuals to show how things work or what they’re talking about,” said Miller. A lot of the tables had pamphlets for more information, but some more interactive things that would engage those interested would be a lot more informational.
Now some may think that one would walk out of this event knowing that a certain future is the one that they want to go with, but sometimes knowing a certain path isn’t the one is just as beneficial. “Somethings I thought were interesting took a lot more work so it pointed me on a different path. It helped take some things off my list,” said Miller. Crossing some things off means someone is that much closer to finding their passion.