Baylea Bruce @baylea_marie [Staff Writer]
Saturday night the gold gym will be filled with girl’s in big, beautiful dresses and boy’s in matching tuxedos. For many they have been preparing for this night months in advance. Once they figured out who their date was the race was on to find the perfect outfit and hair do. Saturday morning will be devoted to making sure they look their best for that night’s festivities. Abby Reed, sophomore, will be one of those girls looking like a princess on prom night.
This is Reed’s first prom so she was fairly new to the process of making sure she would look perfect come time for the big day. For some searching for the right dress might have taken days and an entourage of close friend, siblings, and their mom. However, Reed stumbled into a little bit of beginners luck. “I just went dress shopping one day and it was the second dress I tried on” explained Reed. This luck moved Reed farther along in the process much quicker than girls who went to every store in the state of Iowa or girls who had to wait in fear while their dress was being shipped to them.
While this may be Reed’s first year, she will definitely be prepared. She has a plan for just about everything that needs to be done before she steps out on the dance floor. “ I’m getting my nails done professionally and I’m having a friend do my hair. I’m going to braid it and the go into a bun” commented Reed. Reed has already done a trial run on her hair and already knows what color she will be doing her nails. She will be leaving nothing to chance
Reed’s first prom will be a little different then most will be. She and her date are not planning on going to Grand March. This may seem like Reed will not be getting the full experience of prom but she is totally okay with it. “We are getting our pictures done by someone else and we already had plans” explained Reed. While Reed’s plans for her night may be a little different, her hopes for how things go are pretty typical. “I’m excited for getting dressed up and hanging out with my friends” expressed Reed. These wishes are the same that many prom-goers are looking forward to.