Ashley Lappe @frappelappe [Executive Ads Editor]
As all Juniors know, the Junior Planning Night is tonight. This is a night where students and their parents get to walk around the hot, crowded gym, and talk to colleges and employers, as well as sit through three lectures.
This three hour long event could be a great idea to help students figure out what they want to do and where they want to go, but instead of making it an option for students, it is mandatory. If students do attend the event, they will be given class credit, but if not they will be forced to return during their senior year while the rest of the school takes ITEDS.
It makes sense why it would be mandatory, because if it weren’t most students wouldn’t attend, but some students are not able to attend for reasonable reasons. Because of this they don’t get the credit, and they have to return to school for the ITEDS next year.
One way to improve the system is to set it up for two nights; one in the beginning of the year and one where it is now. This would make it easier for students be available. Otherwise a lot of students will be forced to return for ITEDS, and many will find this frustrating.
The overall idea of the night would be great if it weren’t for the way students are forced into it without another option besides retaking ITEDS, which frankly, no one wants to do.