Kaela Halvorson @kaelswhales [Design Editor]
Teachers expect so much out of students, even when they miss school. Some students know that they are going to miss school and tell their teachers, and the teachers give them worksheets to do. At the same time students don’t know how to do them because once they get home they don’t have the resources. Part of this is the teachers’ fault, part is the students’ fault.
Missing school is hard on the students because even when they are on vacation, or whatever they are missing for, they are thinking about how much they are missing at school that day. These students that ask for their homework earlier show that they care about their work and then teachers give them the worksheets and don’t explain quite enough. So while this student is “enjoying” time off, they are stressing about the work that was given that they don’t know how to do. Then they may come in early with half or less done and the teachers are unhappy with them because they expected it to be done. Teachers’ need to give more information for those worksheets or tell them where to find the answers at in a book, magazine, etc.
Some students blame this all on the teachers though, sometimes their teachers tell them more than enough and the student just doesn’t pay attention. Then students continue to complain about how horrible their teachers are for giving them homework on stuff they haven’t learned yet, and don’t do it. Students don’t even try to go in early to help themselves learn this information. Then attend class when they get back and they say they have extra days to do this homework even though they got it before they left and just didn’t do it. People need to take responsibility for their own make up work and learn the information, and not just cheat off a friends paper to get a grade for that homework.
Teachers should try their best to make sure their students are caught up, and students should make sure that if they don’t understand to go in early and get help. Missing school is hard on everyone and make sure to get the work and ask questions before they leave for their vacation from school.