Deshaun Quinn @QuinnTower_2 [Staff Writer]
We all dread that moment in the morning when we finally hear the alarm go off next to our beds, but we lie there and pretend that the alarm doesn’t exist, yet it doesn’t stop. Eventually every student gets up and drag themselves to the bathroom to prepare themselves for the dreadful day of school. What if school started earlier? How would it affect us as students?
There is no need to start any earlier than what we already do. Yes, teachers could fit more into their lesson plans with some extra time in their classes, but that doesn’t matter if half the class can’t keep their eyes open due to making them come to school earlier. Why can’t the kids just go to sleep an hour earlier some might say? Well that’s like winning the lottery, it’s not going to happen. Even though some kids might do that, the majority of teens are going to procrastinate on their homework and wait until 10:30 to finally do that assignment due first block the next day, and fall asleep around midnight.
Teenagers are unpredictable creatures that will stay up late on their phones scrolling through the twitter feed, or checking how many like they got on their instagram photo with zero ounce of thought about school. So if the administration wants to make school start earlier, these are just some of the the facts that will come along with it.