Skylar Miller-Baker @skylarmbaker15 [Activities Editor]
Free will is something that many Americans view as important. Without free will we would have nothing, we would just be drones mindlessly following orders without thinking them through. Sometimes though the free will right is violated, one place where the free right is violated all the time is right here in Marion high school.
The high school students are expected to sit in class, learn what ever there is to learn and follow the rules of the classroom. One rule is that we have to ask to go to the bathroom. What if a student is sitting in his desk and all of a sudden he has to go number two? Everybody knows what if feels like to get the sudden urge to go. This student is supposed to sit there and wait for the teacher to allow him to go to the bathroom? By the time the teacher has finally dismissed him he could of gone all over his seat. Nobody wants that to happen. Also some of the students at Marion are 18 already, their adults, treat them like one. They can probably handle the simple task of going to the bathroom by themselves.
At Marion we have a new rule, no one is allowed to go anywhere without a hall pass. People can’t even go to the library without getting a pass from a teacher. What if the student has to work on a paper that’s worth half their grade and everything depends on it? They don’t need a pass to come in sit down and start typing this life or death paper. The librarian can obviously see what their doing and could notice if they were doing anything inappropriate and kick them out. The other thing that’s stupid about this rule is students with open blocks are expected to stay in the cafeteria. That is unacceptable. The student with the open block shouldn’t have to stop somewhere and get a pass to go somewhere, that’s absurd.
Nobody likes school lunch let’s face it. The students would rather go out and eat something good than a piece of month old chicken thrown between two buns. The problem is only seniors are allowed to leave for lunch. If a student has a car and they want to leave for lunch, let them. A junior, sophomore or freshman leaving for lunch isn’t any different from a senior leaving for lunch, just because they’re younger doesn’t mean they’re magically going to do more harm than the senior leaving for lunch.
The bottom line is Marion is testing the students free will. It’s ridiculous some of the rules this school has. Maybe it’s time for a change.