Amery Bruce @AmeryBruce [Staff Writer]
Snow is hard on everyone. It makes the roads horribly hard to drive on, and super difficult to get to school. Mahlia Brown, junior, complained about the new snow. She wasn’t all that bothered by the fact that there wasn’t a snow day today, since she lives right behind the school, but she was upset that it snowed this late in the game.
“I wish we would’ve gotten snow around Christmas so I could do fun things like sled, but no, now it’s too cold.” Brown complained. Having a high of -9 degrees makes it hard to do much of anything outside. If someone was to walk outside right now, they would instantly shiver.
Brown also had a difficult time driving to school. “I was fishtailing like every five minutes while going to school.” She explained. It doesn’t help that a whole bunch of streets aren’t plowed, because they aren’t main streets. Just because a street isn’t a main street, doesn’t mean that people don’t drive on it. That makes it extremely difficult for students who live far away to get to school.
Snow can be a really pretty type of weather, but really dangerous. Stay safe if you’re are driving anywhere during this season, because things can get crazy.