Savannah Guyer @SavannahMGuyer [Feature Editor]
When the word feminist is mentioned, the image of a strong, independent woman is brought to most people’s minds. Lena Dunham, Beyoncé, and even Emma Watson are popular idols that have embraced the term. These celebrities, in their own ways, are for the support of women’s economic, social, and political equality to men. That being said, none of these women are men haters. No where in the definition of feminism does it describe the hatred of male anatomy, it is just a common misconception provided by society.
Society creates the vision of an unhappy, abrasive woman who sneers if a man even dares to look in her direction. The truth is, there are no rules when it comes to the personal decision of what self-proclaimed feminists do in their freetime. Beyoncé is married to Jay Z, and she appears to be very content with that fact. Most people think that if a woman is for the equal rights of her sex, they must make their husbands do everything, or split the tasks around the house. While this could very much be possible, it’s highly unlikely. How many people honestly think that Beyoncé never throws together a nice meal for her man, or doesn’t do a load of her own laundry once in a while? Please, Jay Z has had a very long day and people’s clothes get dirty very quickly when they’re working 24/7 to be the best live performer ever. Women can take care of their households alongside their partners while working to create a better, fairer economic and political environment for themselves.
The false projection of what a feminist is has been created by those who have no clue what types of people can advocate for women’s rights. Men can be feminist too; celebrities like Daniel Radcliffe, Ryan Gosling, and Will Smith all claim themselves as supporters of feminism. The Dalai Lama himself once stated, “I call myself a feminist, isn’t that what you call someone who fights for women’s rights?”
The women’s rights movement might have an unreasonable connotation linked to the word feminism, but when studied a little further and given more understanding, it’s not that scary of a topic. People should keep in mind that anyone is allowed to say they support equality for women, feminism knows no discrimination.

Ferg • Nov 24, 2014 at 5:39 pm
I’m with the Dalai Lama on this one. Because a person is pro women’s rights, shouldn’t mean he/she is anti-men’s rights. It’s like the song said: “I want a woman who can make the bacon, fry it up in a pan, and never let you forget you’re a man!” It’s amazing that in 2014 there is still the discrepancy in wages between men and women. The glass ceiling in the work place still has not been broken – it’s been breached, but not broken. Good article, Savannah. You go, girl!