Emma Hartman @Steal_Your_Hart [Staff Writer]
A common theme shown by homosexuals and others who support the gay rights movement is using “homophobia” to describe people who do not share the same views as them on gay rights and gay marriage. Why should someone be declared “afraid of homosexuals” because they don’t support a gay lifestyle choice? It is not an “irrational fear” of gay or lesbian people if someone has a moral disagreement with them.
There are many reasons why someone would chose to or not to support gay marriage and the lifestyle. For instance, religion, personal confliction, experiences, what country you live in or are from, and how you were raised. No matter the view, living in the United States everyone is a promise of freedom of speech. However, in this day and age, if one does not support gay rights, they are considered homophobic.
Homophobic and other offensive names are used to refer to people who support traditional marriage. Terms like these can be as discriminative as calling a homosexual a derogatory name. It is using an offensive term to describe someone who does not have the same view point.
The golden rule is a great one to live by. “ Do unto others as you would have them do unto you”. So whether someone believes people were born gay or that it is a choice, if they endorse gay rights or not, everyone should have a right to an opinion and be able to voice it freely without the immature name calling or other rude behavior.