Kylie McAllister @smileeyyykylie (Co Executive Yearbook Editor)

The iPhone 6 was released yesterday causing many to think about if they are going to update to this bigger and better phone. Some may contemplate whether it is really that much better to get. Will it assist them in more ways, or do they already have all that they need in their current phone?
Noah Walter, junior, does not really see what is so good about the new iPhone. “I do not like it because I don’t think it is that much of a difference from the iPhone 5s except the size. The software is the same for both phones,” Walter said. Walter felt he had to get the iPhone 5s because of all the hype about it. He thinks that the iPhone 6 has a bigger screen and a better camera but “half the stuff they add on is pointless.”
The iPhone 6, iPhone 5s, and iPhone 5c will all have the same software, ios 8. The major differences are the bigger screen and a better camera. The iPhone 6 plus has a 5.5 in diagonal screen while the iPhone 6 has a 4.7 in diagonal screen, and the iPhone 5s and 5c have 4 in diagonal screens. The iPhone 6 and 5s have the same 8-megapixel iSight camera though. Walter likes the iPhones but doesn’t see the big deal about the iPhone 6 because they didn’t change very much. “I’ll probably end up buying it because I need a new phone because my screen is cracked,” added Walter.