By: Becca Hall @ChewwBecccaa [Co Executive Newspaper Editor]
Sweet nibblets! Yesterday marked an entire year since Miley Cyrus’ controversial video “Wrecking Ball” was released on Vevo. This time a year ago, Miley was the talk of the town, and people watching the wrecking ball video could easily be spotted everywhere. Admittedly, the video was shocking, with the young celebrity straddling a swinging wrecking ball, stark naked. It was soon explained that there is meaning behind her nudity. Cyrus stated that her absence of clothing symbolized her vulnerability, and the way recent events in her life had torn her down. Regardless, Cyrus’ big change from good girl Hannah Montana, to edgy, punk Miley was a hot topic.
That is all well and good, people gossip about celebrities daily, but many started to degrade her. Cyrus was called names, lost fans, and was constantly being ostracized because of her actions; even though many celebrities have had much bigger controversies in the media with hardly any upset. It’s been a year people, leave Miley alone! She has stated that she is making a change to be who she really is, and has inspired many of her fans to do the same. She’s just being Miley. Even though she has had some risque moments on stage, so have many pop stars. It brings attention, and therefore more coverage. That is the culture of pop music today, so why criticize one celebrity and not another?
This Sunday night at the VMA’s, instead of going on stage herself, Cyrus allowed a homeless teen to go on stage to receive her trophy, and encourage viewers to donate to a homeless youth charity. It was a very touching moment for her and no doubt for the teen, but many still criticized stating it was fake and staged in order for her to look good. Of course it was in part to get positive media coverage, but overall it was about the homeless teen who was given the chance of a lifetime and all the other children that were helped by the donations.
Moral of the story: stop being a hypocrite. Leave Miley alone!