By: Gage Miskimen [Feature Editor] @gagemisky
I was playing basketball with a friend last night and some little kids asked if they could play too. I said yes because I was trying to be nice but little did I know that they would give me the inspiration for today’s article.
First of all, these little kids already knew who my friend and I were due to the fact that they follow us on various social media sites such as twitter and instagram. This kind of shocked me. I had never met these kids before and they already knew me but they hadn’t met me either. The things these kids knew was insane. They seemed to know about everything going on in high school because we as high schoolers broadcast it all out on social media like some sort of drama filled CNN. These kids knew who was dating who, who threw a party last weekend, who was doing things they weren’t supposed to. They were engulfed by their phone screens. (Yes, they have cell phones too!). They were obsessed and fed off of high school drama.
This honestly made me think for the rest of the night. These kids idolized us like celebrities. The boys looked up to the football players while the girls looked up to athletes or whoever had the most followers on instagram. These kids see everything and it should influence what we say or post or how we behave in general. A lot of people are going to say that they don’t care what these kids do or how it’s not their fault that they have phones and it’s their parents fault for allowing them to be on social media. Social media shouldn’t even have to be something people need permission for. Everyone is guilty of somewhat explicit posts. Even I am guilty of some swear words on twitter every once in a while. But since last night, I’m going to think twice before posting things because I know that some little kid is watching and I think everyone else should be more considerate too.