By: Haley Shaffer [Co-executive newspaper editor] @shafferdaffer
It’s that time of year again when people begin to plant their flowers, put away their winter boots, and enjoy the warm weather. Well at least it’s supposed to be.
Iowa has had a long, cruel winter full of snow and freezing temperatures. And while most people are ready to forget the cold weather and bring on the spring, Mother Nature disagrees.
Although it’s almost April, the weather has not been showing it. However, this past weekend, the temp reached a staggering 63 degrees. While that’s warm for what Iowans have been experiencing, it doesn’t mean it’s summer. And of course, today at school, a whole bunch of people show up in shorts and t-shirts. Everyone is in denial that it’s not really as warm as it should be. They want summer so bad that they are lying to themselves about what’s appropriate to wear and what’s not.
While the idea of being able to wear shorts is lovely, it’s quite a rude awakening when someone walks outside and is freezing.
Summer is almost here and students should just persevere until then. They
shouldn’t freeze their bottoms off just so they can create the idea in their heads that it’s warm outside.