By: Uriah Lekin [Staff Writer] @Uriah_theChamp
Confessing the wacky and quite disgusting things people did in high school and college has become America’s favorite past time. Iowa high school students are now sending in their own confessions, a close friends confession, or even a nasty rumor they know of in the form of a confession to one of the many Twitter accounts created for this specific purpose. The account that MHS students have been called out on most often is called IowaHSConfessions2. With a simple follow back, a direct message telling the confession and the name of the high school, this anonymous tweeter takes the message and plasters it all over social media.
But the main question is why? Why ruin the little sense of credibility a surely troubled teen has and give their nasty or disgusting situation to an unknown twitter account and have that dirty secret put out for the world to see. Maybe a revenge kick or for a little laugh but no matter what its for the person sending it in is just as disgusting or even more than the person posting it. Some may find this a harmless act due to the fact that no names or information is said in the tweets besides the name of the high school. Honestly its a very low thing for someone to do. Think of how it feels for the students who have been anonymously mentioned. Even though the name may not be stated, students with the inside scoop will often gossip if they know who the juicy tweet was about. This causes much embarrassment and could ruin a reputation. With a few clicks on the keyboard and a little insider information anybody now has the power to share another person’s secret for the entire internet to see.
While these Twitter accounts may not be the nicest and most respectful thing to do, most of these confessions are things that actually happened. Many people argue that if the person didn’t want their dirty little secret spread to everyone, they shouldn’t have done it. That might be so, but what makes it okay for the account owner to put other peoples mistakes on the internet for the world to see. If a few people hear or know something and decide to blab, they now have someone to tell that can tweet it out and within minutes the whole school knows. Soon that particular person who was talked about may feel singled out in the halls by accusing eyes, disgusted looks as their classmates lean in to whisper about this new piece of info. This is just another form of cyber bullying, even though it’s technically anonymous it can still hurt just as much.
Everyone needs to settle down, grow up a little and leave other people’s business alone. Life would be much more simpler if we all just spread a little kindness instead of a little gossip.