By: Savannah Guyer [Activities Editor] @SavannahMGuyer
Everyone in the world has been there, stuck debating whether or not to open up their mouths or keep their opinions to themselves. Depending on who the person is, they choose what is most comfortable with them. In cases of “Does this make my butt look fat?”, the general population cringes and says whatever will make the other person feel good about themselves, even if it isn’t what they truly believe. But is it good for people to keep how they feel inside?
Sure, someone giving someone else their untrue opinion on their wardrobe isn’t necessarily a big deal, unless that person is Miley Cyrus. Seriously, someone should have told her to keep her teddy bear onesie on. However, in more serious situations where topics and situations could put someones feelings or heart at risk, it could turn into a big deal. For a person to tell another person what they want to hear and not how they actually feel could be, potentially, a huge disaster. In matters of the heart, keeping emotions pent up inside is not good for any relationship. People may not only be hurting themselves, but the other person. It’s better for everyone to get their feelings and opinions, no matter how unpopular, out there and in the open so then others can work around them.
While sometimes it is better to keep quiet, there are times where it’s necessary for people’s feelings to be put out to ensure that the relationship can move forward and prevent further conflicts from happening, whether in issues of the clothing or in serious, heart heavy topics.