By: Haley Shaffer [Co-Excutieve Vox Editor] @shafferdaffer
The week of utter and complete stress is back. That’s right, finals week. The one week of the quarter when every student is guaranteed to be spending an obscene amount of time on school work, and less on having a life. The whole concept of finals is some what messed up. Making students have accumulative tests over everything they’ve learned over the course of nine weeks for every class in one week, while expecting them to get good grades on all of these tests, might be somewhat too much. Meanwhile, most students are involved in extracurricular activities which take away from studying and homework time. Although some students put school ahead of those extracurricular activities, it still makes the work load even harder to complete.
The only benefit to finals week, is that when students come back from winter break, they get a fresh start, which is different this year than it has been in the past. Students used to have to study over the two week course of winter break, which takes out the break in “winter break”. Not to mention, it turns the nine weeks into eleven. Having to remember where classes left off and starting right back up after two weeks of no school isn’t exactly easy.
While this year will be easier than past, it doesn’t mean that this week won’t be a stress loaded week, full of late nights for students. But, all this hard work will make winter break even more of a blessing. When students leave school on Friday, they will finally be free of tests, quizzes, and homework, well for a little while.