By: Uriah Lekin [Video Interview Editor] @Uriah_theChamp
Across the world protests from the Asian continent, through the European Union, to the far reaches of the South American continent, and all the way to the American capital D.C. People are calling for a change. According to CNN most of the countries that are erupted in protest are countries that have a strong Democracy. It seems liberty has failed to quench the people’s thirst. All these protests are similar in one way, the people are crying for change. Many are rioting because of inequality, the want for change in their government or, like in America, both. America needs to lead by example and show the countries, especially the democratic countries, how to truly work a democracy.
But why, isn’t democracy the goal of the surrounding nations? Why are the people tearing up the streets and rioting against their governments?
It seems democracy and liberty doesn’t work for all or it isn’t working the way it should. Has the democracy America puts its dear time into come to be as corrupt as the Anonymous organization says? Has the worlds role model for free living finally taking off its mask? During these past fews months coming towards the end of the year, America has faced challenges such as the NSA’s secrets being disclosed to the world. It shows our country doesn’t seem to trust its people. What kind of example does that show for other countries to follow? America was built on freedom as a whole, not a controlling government.