By: Ashley Lappe [Social Media Editor] @Ashley_Lappe33
The streets cover with ice and dirty slush. That’s right, it’s winter time in Iowa. For many this means staying off the roads as much as possible and staying home with a cup of hot chocolate. But for students who have to attend school, this means driving slow and worrying so they don’t wreck their cars.
Tyler Jordan, senior, feels differently about driving in the snow, “I like it, I think it’s fun,” he said. He doesn’t feel the same about the underclassmen driving in the mess, however. “It’s dangerous,” said Jordan. Underclassmen, and even upperclassmen, are still learning the ropes to driving and winter can be hard for some.
Fortunately he feels the parking lot, the hub of all high school drivers, is safe. Many students don’t believe it’s safe due to the fact that little sand and salt is put down. “Nah, I think it’s fine if people drive slow,” he said. Many students don’t realize the conditions on the road and think it is okay to fly around the parking lot, but it isn’t. People need to be cautious at all times, especially when the roads are covered in ice. Whether someone agrees with Joran or not, driving safe during the winter is the most important thing.