By: Rebecca Hall [Online Editor] @backkahhh12
Sunday nights are a procrastinator’s nightmare. As the seconds pass, they glance at their pile of books knowing that their unfinished homework is just sitting in there, waiting to be finished. Many procrastinators make deals with themselves such as, “I will start my homework at 8” or “For every 30 minutes of homework I do, I get 10 minutes of break” and while those personal goals are a great thing, students often don’t stick to them. The clock ticks 8 and they pretend to not notice and the 10 minutes break they promised themselves of break turns into something more like an hour. Many students have been there at one point or another.
Procrastination is a trait that many high schoolers will admit to having, often leading to stress and a lack of time, which causes them to crunch in as much studying and homework they can into just a few short minutes. Some students have gotten so good at procrastination that they don’t even do their homework until passing time between classes or even during class. A procrastinator will often find various other activities, some will even admit that they do tasks they don’t even enjoy, in order to avoid their homework. Even though the act of procrastinating seems worth it, when the time comes that a student must do their homework or risk their grade, the workload feels ten times heavier due to stress. Procrastinating can also cause a student to finish their homework as quickly as possible with little care about their quality of work. As great as waiting until the last minute to do homework sounds, it can cause homework to be more stressful and less beneficial.
If students didn’t wait until the last minute to finish their assignments there would be much less stress involved for everyone.