By: Kylie McAllister [Yearbook Executive Editor]
Walk into almost any teenagers room and people see a huge mess. Cleaning their room is not a priority for most teenagers and most teens are just disorganized in general. They are trying to meet their parents needs, get good grades in school, participate in extracurricular activities, and manage a social life. Being a teenager is already a pretty stressful deal and being disorganized does not help.
If teenagers were more organized in life just in general it wouldn’t be as stressful. Messy rooms really just add to the stress. After a teen arrives home from a busy day of school and their extracurricular activity they walk into their filthy room. Wrappers of candy bars, bags of chips, and soda cans are randomly thrown throughout the piles of clean and dirty clothes. It is hard for a teen to concentrate on homework when they are in an untidy, distracting environment.
While some teens really trash their rooms because they just don’t care, some parents make their kids clean their room on a certain basis. Some teens get really annoyed by this but their parents are just teaching their kids how to live an organized lifestyle.
Teen’s cars can also get very messy. They just don’t feel like cleaning out the trash that their friends left in there last Friday night. It is annoying when people try to get in other cars but they can’t because it is full of junk. Yes, it is okay to have little trash in the car but teens should keep it to a minimum.
With all the pressure to do well teens will have a messy, disorganized room sometimes but they should try to keep it tidy. Teens should clean their rooms and cars to make their lives a little less stressful than it needs to be. It would just be less to worry about.