By: Savannah Guyer [Activies Writer] @SavannahMGuyer
Regional volleyball games were held last night, including one between Marion and Davenport Assumption. Each game was a close set with an even closer score, the girls’ every movement led with purpose and determination. Though the mighty Indians ended up losing, every girl played to their best ability and skill.
Alyssa Thomas is a sophomore in many different activities at Marion High, including Win with Wellness, Take Charge, and volleyball. Although she enjoys everything she’s involved in, volleyball has her heart. “I was very proud of my team last night, very proud. They were very calm, which is hard to do since we were at regionals and everyone was a little bit nervous.” Thomas said.
Although the team has had a very good season, Alyssa was a little discouraged because of the loss, “I was pretty upset. It was really hard losing. But we gave our best.” Nevertheless, Thomas still plans on being involved with her sport until the end of her high school career, “I wouldn’t change anything. I can’t wait to keep playing.”