By: Haley Shaffer [Vox Executive Editor]
She arrives at school for the day. She is excited for practice that night. She knows that the work her team puts in tonight, determines the outcome of the game tomorrow.
Abby Phillips, junior, is a member of the varsity volleyball team here at Marion. “I’ve been playing since 4th grade,” Phillips says, “I really love it.” Phillips is really positive about this season and has high hopes for her team. “I’d say it’s been the best season we’ve had since I’ve been playing,” Phillips said. Abby says the team is currently 2-1 in the WAMAC district and ranked 11th in the conference. Even though she is hopeful for tomorrow, she knows that there is still hard teams to beat. “Our biggest competition tomorrow is Solon,” Phillips said.
Although the season has gone well, they do have a chance to redeem themselves. They’ve lost to Independence twice and are really determined to beat them if they face them tomorrow night. “I think we’re really wanting some revenge,” Phillips said.
Phillips believes that the volleyball team has done great things this season and thinks they can go even further. “Our chances of going to state are very good. It’s if we decide to play,” Phillips said.