By: Gage Miskimen [Feature Editor]
September 11th. The day brings chills to some and tears to others. September 11th, 2001 was a true day of infamy for America. On this day, the beloved twin towers were ambushed by the hijacking of commercial airplanes. There is a dividing on how Americans should act towards this day. Some want to remember the losses and draw attention to the day out of respect for families that lost loved ones. Others want to treat as any other day as a way to forget the awful things that happened on that tragic morning. But what should be done on September 11th?
All people should have the right whether or not they want to acknowledge the day. Everyone can agree that the day was horrific and gruesome. Some students were old enough to remember watching the events on the news as young children no older than first grade. Everyone should have their own way of dealing with and remembering those who were lost whether a person just keeps the fallen in their thoughts or maybe somebody organizes a moment of silence or an assembly in schools. Maybe September 11th should be a day off of school and work so families can spend time together and take the time to appreciate each other.
Along with those lost on 9/11, people should also take the time to acknowledge the firefighters, the police officers, and the ordinary citizens who did extraordinary things on that day to help the helpless and try to protect their country and it’s citizens. People did great things on a day that was caused by a terrible event. Americans came together as one and pulled each other out of the rubble. They stood side by side using love against a hateful force.
Everyone should at least keep care and love in their hearts and minds as they go about their business on this day. Because life is short and people never will know what will happen to them until it does. Go out and commit a random act of kindness, compliment somebody, meet someone new, do anything that will make somebody’s day better. Make September 11th a day of caring.