By: Alex Coleman [Ads Editor]
I love you, three words, eight letters, and endless meanings. If someone was to search the definition of love, they would find that it means an intense feeling of deep affection. Let’s be honest, high school students are not the deepest people to walk this planet. An average high school would describe these ‘deep feelings’ as a crush, or simply liking someone. The word love is not used frequently, and when it is used it’s usually used incorrectly.
Imagine being in a relationship, a relationship that’s been going on for quite some time now. Both people in the relationship have established strong feelings for one another, but can it really be classified as love? At the high school level, people are just beginning the long journey of finding out who they are as a person. This is a confusing time for the majority of high school students, and with all of the confusion it is highly unlikely that anyone is completely certain about their feelings for another. That being said, if the individual isn’t one-hundred and fifty percent positive that they are completely head-over heels and wobbly kneed for their ‘significant other’, then this individual should not profess their feelings of love.
If someone does announce their feelings of love to another person, they need to realize the full meaning of those three special words. If someone loves another, that means that they would do anything for them. Unless the person would willingly take a bullet to save the life of their partner, then they don’t feel as strongly as they once thought. Think about parents, they would do anything to save the life of their child, and most parents would do the same for their spouse. So when questioning affections for another, think about that.
Love is a strong word. Use it with caution and don’t say it if you don’t mean it. Following those two simple rules will save many headaches and heartbreaks.