By: Taylor Millis [Features Editor]
Last night MHS had its debut of the spring play. One of the cast members, Austin Lanteri, tells about the spring play and opening night.
Opening night is always stressful and doesn’t always go as planned but overall last night was a success. “Opening night was a little rocky, hopefully the cast will do better tonight and Saturday.” The first performance may have been shaky but it was only a test run. “I know the performance tonight and tomorrow will be good.” The next two performances can only get better as they become more comfortable on stage in front of an audience.
While performing for an audience can be exciting and nerve racking for all of the cast members, Austin also feels a hint of sadness as he is performing. “I go into these performances a little melancholy because I know this is the last night the seniors will be performing,”’ Austin says. During the many rehearsals this cast has grown close to each other and Austin is sad to know that he might never perform on stage with some of his friends again.
Austin knows that he will make the best of his last few moments on stage with his cast mates. Come check out the MHS spring play tonight or tomorrow night here in the MHS auditorium.