By: Claire Nash [Photo Editor]
Each year the big day for prom seems to get earlier. There is so much to do in so little time. The week of prom is usually the most hectic time of a person’s high school career or at least for the girls that is. Nails, hair, attire, reservations, tickets, transportation and of course finding a suitable date. Prom is already full of so much chaos so having the date of the big night starting earlier and earlier every year doesn’t help. Prom shouldn’t be happening until mid or late April.
Prom can be overrated. Most people get very stressed out from everything that goes into prom. Dates are probably at the very top of the list of the stress. Sometimes it can take a person up to more than three attempts to get a date! For others they just stop caring and decide to fly solo. Prom can be fun whether you have a date or are going by yourself.