By: Storm Bogs [Web Editor]
A teenager has a lot of responsibilities. One of the most stressful responsibilities a teen has is finances. There are many things that a teen may have to pay for such as phone bills, car insurance, gas, the list goes on and on.
The problem with being a teen and having bills to pay is that not everyone can get a job, or they don’t care enough to try to get a job. There are usually jobs available at restaurants, but not everyone wants to work in that kind of environment. However, at our age, it isn’t really acceptable to be picky about what kind of job we want.
Seniors in high school especially have a lot of money worries. Most seniors will be going off to college in a few short months. Even if tuition is covered, which is a huge expense in itself; there are still a lot of things that money needs to be saved for. Gas for trips back home, bills they will have to pay while away, and more. Even if a student gets a job on campus, it is a good idea to save money before leaving.
Saving money can be difficult. With so many bills and other expenses, that will probably leave little to no money to spend on fun things. It’s all about compromise. Maybe taking the amount of money left to spend on fun things and split it in half, and put half of it in savings. Then the next time around you could do the same thing, but save a little more, and so on.
Money will always be a constant struggle, no matter what age a person is. As a teenager though, it is a huge worry. Especially with all the other things a teenager has to deal with, money is just another daily problem.