By: Haley Shaffer [Staff Writer]
For most students, summer means freedom, fun, and most important of all, sleeping in. One of the most difficult things to do when the school year starts up again is getting into the habit of going to bed sooner and having to waking up earlier. It’s mentally and physically draining, especially at the start of the school year. Students have to wake up at 6:45 in the morning when they’re used to waking up at noon. Not only do students have to get up early, but then they have to drag themselves to school and actually learn and do work. Life’s pretty rough for the MHS population right now.
One student that is dealing with this problem is Eva Mineart, junior. Eva lives an average normal life. Goes to school, hangs out with friends, goes home, does homework, and then goes to sleep. Doesn’t seem like that much, but even she has trouble waking up in the morning. Eva wakes up at about 6:30 everyday for school and goes to sleep at eleven every night. She keeps a pretty good sleep schedule, which is why that isn’t the hardest thing for her. “Learning [is]probably the hardest thing for me to do. Like Trig class,” Eva said. Being able to focus and forget about summer is hard for Eva. “It was hard to let go of summer and think that it’s over,” Eva said. Yes, for mostly all students, it’s hard to let go of summer because not many students actually like coming to school everyday, but Eva is trying to coup as well as she can.
The school year has started, and as much as every student is desperately missing summer, it’s not coming back any time soon. Getting into the habit of waking up early, getting used to classes, and just managing an everyday schedule is hard for most students, but all of them are going to have to coup. Life becomes a lot easier to bare when people can actually stay awake in class and wake up in the morning without snoozing the alarm five times. Old habits are hard to break, so everyone should be trying to make new habits.