By: Taylor Lamm [Staff Writer]
She looks over all the bags of clothing in her classroom, and feels over joyed of how much clothes they have received. It’s the day before the drive, and she’s trying to prepare for all the different rooms they need to fill with clothes.
Mrs. Putnam, a teacher at MHS, has taught at Marion for 22 years. 20 years ago teachers started the food drives for the community and also the gift giving project that the school does every year. The clothing drive, though, has been going on for 6-7 years. “[There are] a lot of people in our community who are struggling financially, many are working poor and can’t get ahead,” she states.
This year a lot of donations have been made from all over the community. Even some family members of the staff have helped out; Mrs. Logans parents from Manchester have donated a great amount. Other schools in the district also help out with all the other giving projects we are doing.
Mrs. Putnam hopes that the clothing drive and the others continue to be successful. “People who need [stuff] can come get what they need,” says Putnam. The clothing drive will be held on November 30th in the school hallway.