By: Storm Bogs, Web Editor
It’s the last term of the year and there are only 33 school days remaining. Now would be the time that students would want to start slacking off and not do their homework. Now would also be the time that students would think that teachers would let them off easy and not assign homework. Of course that won’t happen though.
Since it’s the end of the year, that means summer is just around the corner. No school, staying up late and sleeping in. Students and teachers can’t wait. That doesn’t mean that we can start slacking off in our classes though. It’s not summer time just yet.
Teachers aren’t necessarily going to stop giving us homework just because it’s the end of the year. Students should still work hard and get homework done. There is also one more round of finals that are important as well. Students generally blow off studying for tests around this time, but studying is considered homework as well and needs to be done.
Summer and the stress free days are just around the corner. Remember to finish strong and do all homework that is assigned.