A family spending quality time together on Christmas, which is something one can do, rather than chasing a relationship
It’s no secret that being alone during the holidays isn’t enjoyable, as the festive season often amplifies feelings of loneliness. Especially now that society has deemed that a relationship during the holiday season is everything, for the people who aren’t in one, it can be hard to look past the posts of matching pajamas to realize it isn’t. But as “cuffing season” rolls around, it’s important to remind everyone that the quality of a relationship is far more important than the timing.
While the temptation to jump into the next potential relationship during this time is strong, it is more worth it to focus on oneself instead. Activities like journaling or social outings with friends help boost one’s confidence so that the feeling of needing a relationship this season goes away. By taking the time to invest in one’s own needs rather than what an immature partner might need, can lead to much more fulfillment than a Snapchat fling ever could. Additionally, practicing self-love not only promotes a healthier mind, body, and soul but also lays a strong foundation for healthier relationships in the future. By making time for oneself, people are ensuring that they won’t accept less than they deserve. So rather than taking precious time away from life chasing after a walking greaseball, use it to nurture your well-being.
On top of that, the holiday season is a wonderful opportunity to celebrate with friends and family. It’s easy to forget or underappreciate the people around who already love one when one is too focused on romantic relationships. Taking a moment to appreciate and recognize loved ones during this time can take one’s mind off of a relationship they don’t have. Whether it’s through shared meals, thoughtful gifts, or simply watching a Hallmark movie together, creating lasting memories during this season is what truly makes and improves the holiday experience, not the person whose first words texted were “WYLL?”
And speaking of experiences, this time can also be used to have new ones. Maybe at a Christmas dinner, try a food one never would have, or go out with friends and do something that one would have claimed is embarrassing before. It is more fulfilling to immerse oneself in the experiences that one can control, rather than sitting by the phone frustrated over why someone won’t call back. Life is too short to pass on opportunities to grow as an individual because of a “situationship” that won’t matter in five years.
Ultimately, there is more to life than romantic relationships. And while I can admit it is nice to have someone to hold, I will also be the first to say that it shouldn’t be the focal point of one’s priorities. Life is filled with so many things to experience and enjoy that the crusty guy from Snapchat should be the furthest from one’s mind. In addition, finding comfort in one’s own company is what is really important because, after all, it’s okay to be alone.