Taken by CaptureU Photography
Being forced into journalism by Mila during my sophomore year was definitely one of the most interesting things to happen to me throughout high school. I have met and become friends with so many people that I originally wouldn’t have if I hadn’t been in this class. It was exciting to write about something that I was very passionate about one quarter and then get to learn about something I hadn’t previously known about the next. I found myself becoming more knowledgeable about all aspects of life, and I am very grateful to Mrs. Mundorf for giving me this opportunity.
I didn’t have an awful time these past four years. Dealing with Covid freshman year was a big adjustment, but it made my high school experience unique to many others. I’ve had a great time hanging out with friends and becoming my own person. The biggest lesson I have learned and want to pass on would be to choose who you want around yourself carefully, and don’t let anyone make you feel bad about it. This class has been so much fun to be a part of, and I can’t wait to see how you guys change things next year. You are all so capable and smart, and I’m proud of everyone’s resilience. I have so many great memories from this class, but the most memorable one would have to be consoling Emalee after she threw up meatballs in a trashcan. It was very gross but definitely something I will never forget.
I also want to thank Mundorf for being such a great teacher to all of her students in every single class. From spending 90 dollars on cupcakes to telling us in graphic detail how her son threw up on a Christmas tree, she is always there to help us. Her ability to excuse countless tardies has honestly saved my life, and I will forever be grateful. You are by far my favorite teacher, and I’ll miss seeing you every day. Who else am I supposed to ask how to put in a block quote when you’ve already told me two hundred times? Or to confirm that the period does go inside of the quotation marks? Your patience is unmatched which was proven in AP Lit when you had to deal with Mila’s sick fascination with anatomically correct words for things that did not relate to the subject at all.
It may feel like high school is taking forever, but I promise you, it goes by faster than you could imagine. Depending on the day, it feels like either a lifetime ago or yesterday that I came to this room for my first ever freshman year class. I am so excited to go to college at Iowa State and continue learning and experiencing new things, but I will miss and cherish everything that I’ve learned here from all of you. I will always make time to read all of the new issues that come out because I love hearing all of your opinions and what you have to say. I’m so thankful for all of the memories you guys have given me, and I won’t forget a single one.