Myles Davis spends his last season at Marion playing with his team.
Sports are a main part of high school and have been for a long time. The baseball team has been on top for a couple of years now, but with the recent news of senior, Myles Davis leaving, will they still be on top?
Davis started his high school career in eighth grade as a starter on the varsity team. He committed to Iowa in that same year and has been living up to the scholarship. He has been an all-around player, and with his skills only growing as the years went by, Davis had to start thinking about what he really wanted for his future. With his recent move to Florida, many were confused as to what his next steps were. Davis said, “[I moved to Florida] to better my game at the next level and to compete at the highest level that the high school stage will allow me.” This wasn’t just an abrupt choice either. Davis said, “It took a lot of time and thinking but I felt like this was the best decision in my life.” However, was this the best option for everyone?
The team has benefited from Davis, not only from his skills, but also from his dedication. Head coach, Stephen Fish, said, “Most people do not have a clue how hard he works. He puts in a ton of time. From a pure baseball perspective, he has accomplished and experienced all the team and individual goals and accolades a player can get.” His work ethic has only improved him and made him not only a better teammate but also a stronger player. Many will miss him as a teammate, but the program will certainly not be lacking. Baseball is one of the more favored sports at the school, and with their previous seasons scores of thirty wins and a conference championship, the team is still planning on being extremely competitive and making their sixth trip to the State tournament.
Davis hasn’t made any official plans yet, but he said, “I plan to still go [to Iowa] next year if I don’t get drafted.” All of the coaches have been very supportive of Davis’s decision and what is to come next. This new chapter hasn’t put a rip in their relationships either. Fish said, “Those who are not aware of the entire situation might think that [the relationship might be bad] but, we want the best for him and look forward to following him.” Even though Davis is over 1,000 miles away, he has still been in contact with the coaches and sharing his new adventure. Today, the MLB draft is extremely hard to get into, especially out of high school, so having all the support he can is very important to his potential success. Davis thinks this is exciting, and he hopes to get stronger and improve his game.
While this might not be everyone’s choice in how to pursue their future in sports, Davis has sought out a goal and is determined to reach it. Even without his presence and expertise, the team will still be on top.
Best of luck to Myles Davis and the 2024 Wolves baseball team.