Tillie Cahalan
The Booster Club funds various elements of the school’s happenings and volunteers are necessary for success.
The booster club is a very helpful program in the school. It supports both the athletic and the music programs by raising money for them, but many people don’t know about this organization. There are two different booster clubs. The Marion Athletic Booster Club (MABC), and the Marion Music Booster Club (MMB). Extracurriculars can either receive money from donations or parents volunteering.
A big part of the booster club is volunteering. Many parents contribute their time and energy to help out. Every time a parent or student donates their time to the concession stands for their sport or music activity, there will be money donated to that club. For example, last year, when a parent or student would help out at the concession stand for the golf team, there would be $95 added to the team’s check. At the beginning of every school year, each club or sport that has contributed to the concession stands will receive their check for the money that they have raised. However, parents don’t have to volunteer for the concession stand at their child’s activities. For example, if one’s student is in volleyball, but they want to watch them play, one could work in the concession stands for a wrestling meet.
Parent volunteering needed for the booster club is massive. Parents have always contributed to the concession stands, but it has become increasingly harder. There are not as many people who want to volunteer anymore, so having parents help out is great because they know it will go towards their child’s activities. Take it from Michelle Lantermans. Lantermans started helping out for the school when her kids were in preschool. She has three children who have all gone to high school (two have already graduated and one is a junior). She has worked for the concessions at Vernon and the high school. Lantermans has also been on the booster club committee for the last five years. She said, “I did various volunteer projects when I was in high school and continued that into adulthood.” She has contributed time to both the Marion Athletic Booster Club and the Marion Music Booster Club. There are many relationships she has gained through helping out with it. Lantermans averages 150 hours of volunteering for the organization a year. Many people don’t know what the Marion Athletic Booster Club is, but she does. She said, “The mission of the Marion Booster Club is to recognize, celebrate, and supplement Marion Independent School District middle and high school athletics through volunteerism and financial support.”
One doesn’t have to participate in the booster club to donate money to the program, as they can also take part by donating money. One can have a membership on the MABC, as either a single person or a family. However, if a student is involved in any of the music programs, they are already a part of the MMB.
Over the years, the booster clubs have impacted every activity in many different ways. It helps better the concession stands, adds more scrimmage opportunities and marching band competitions, provides new uniforms and equipment for different activities, and even makes events like the winter rally possible. One of the biggest benefits that the booster club has done is provide additional funds to improve the strength program. Everyone has been able to do more in our school because of the booster club. It has been a very beneficial program at the school.
Many people don’t know how or why the booster club is so important. People have benefited from it for many years now. It is so important for our school, and everyone needs to know about it.