Cappra Svoboda and Madison Berry, both '18, compete in an archery tournament.
With so much hype being put around more commonly known sports like basketball and wrestling, it’s easy to forget that there are other activities that are doing just as amazing things. Archery is a club that isn’t typically thought of as an event to go and support, but it’s actually gaining more members each year. Cappra Svoboda, junior, is one of many other students who have found a love for archery.
As archery season comes to a close, the team anxiously awaits to see if any members made it to state. “We have a tournament this Saturday and next Saturday then we’re done,” said Svoboda. However, the season may continue for some individuals if they score high enough to qualify for state. This process is a little different than other sports, “At the end of the season your average score is added up and if your average is 250 or above you get to go to state in Des Moines,” said Svoboda. Last year the archery team had two seniors advance to state.
This year’s team is the biggest it has ever been. While Svoboda started with some experience, it’s not required. “I’ve been doing archery since middle school in gym class and I’m also in a bow league so I’m pretty familiar with archery but some start with no experience,” said Svoboda. “I originally started because it’s fun but now it helps me relieve stress.”
Madison Berry, junior, started archery with no experience. “At first I was scared because I’d never done it before but as time went on I got more comfortable,” said Berry. Similar to Svoboda she has found a love for archery. “I look forward to it a lot. It makes me happy. The people there are good friends and good people to talk to,” said Berry.
The team competes in tournaments with schools around the area. Each tournament has whistle blows that each competitor has to follow. “You get assigned a number and right or left side with your partner, who is from a different school. Two blows means grab your bow and one blow means shoot. You shoot all five of your arrows and afterward you score your partners bows and they score yours,” said Svoboda. Both competitors need to agree on the scores to keep everyone honest.
Even if students are already involved in a winter sport, they can still be involved in archery. Svoboda also dances for the poms team along with archery. “Archery isn’t as demanding. We usually only have one to two practices a week. You kinda just go as you please,” said Svoboda. Archery can be as intense or laid back as anyone would like. It really could be a fun thing to try. “I decided to do it because it sounded fun. I was something new to try,” said Berry.