Get to know the participants of this year’s Dating Game, then, vote below for who you would like to see matched up!
Meet the guys:
Name: Jacob Klostermann
Grade: Senior
Listen in to hear what Jacob feels is the ideal date:
Record music with Vocaroo >>
Name: Elijah Frazier
Grade: Junior
Activities: football, class president, track, community service
Elijah explains what love means to him:
Record audio or upload mp3 >>
Name: Devin Royer
Grade: Junior
Activities: wrestling, track, football, cross country
Devin describes his ideal date:
Record music with Vocaroo >>
Name: Spencer Keeton
Grade: Freshman
Activities: football, basketball
Listen in to hear what love means to Spencer:
Audio and voice recording >>
Meet the ladies:
Name: Justine Remling
Grade: Junior
Activities: volleyball, soccer
Justine’s idea of an ideal date is…:
Record music with Vocaroo >>
Name: Paige Brandenburg
Grade: Sophomore
Activities: volleyball
Paige gives her definition of love:
Record and upload voice >>
Name: Lexi Morgan
Grade: Sophomore
Activities: volleyball
Listen to Lexi’s idea of the perfect date:
Audio and voice recording >>
Name: Madie Reynolds
Grade: Freshman
Activities: volleyball, track
Madie defines love as:
Record audio or upload mp3 >>
Vote here!