By: Claire Nash [Photo Editor]
Life is going by fast. It feels as if we were all just in kindergarten. Okay, maybe not that long, but as if we were just freshmen in high school yesterday. Now we, the seniors, are applying for colleges, taking all the required classes to graduate and thinking about everything that the future has in store for us and last but not least trying to figure out whether to end a relationship or begin one before all of this happens.
Lets set up a scenario. The girl that a guy likes more than a friend wants to start dating but she is going off to a different college then he is next year. Yeah, these two people could possibly make the distance thing work but college gets lonely and people become less faithful no matter who it is. So this distance thing could cause a break up or even dishonesty and loss of loyalties. With each person going so far away from each other they will be away from each other more then they are with each other and might carry the burden of cheating whether its one person or another.
This does not make this person stupid for not wanting to get into a serious relationship during the middle of senior year nor is this person dumb for ending the relationship in the summer before they both go separate ways. This person is being very wise and mature about the whole situation. This person is playing it smart and not letting themselves get seriously involved with a person before moving away.
If a person really likes someone then it is best to talk about how things would be if they got into a relationship and even though each person would still go to different colleges. What it really comes down to is can a person be faithful to each other being so many miles away? It just depends on that type of person.